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Talk to The Animals
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you will always find me around them and them around me. I have learned a lot from them

Talk to the Animals offers tools and techniques to get more clear on what your animals are communicating to you and what you are communicating to your animal. 


What could be possible if you included your animal's point of view?

And what would your animal like you to know?


"Talk to the Animals" was founded by Gary M. Douglas, he gives you pragmatic tools and techniques to actually talk to the animals and contribute to the earth!


Did you know that every animal, plant and structure on this planet has consciousness and desires to gift to you?


As a facilitator I will give you tools to communicate with the animals in your life in a different way. Whether you are already communicating with your animal, or if you are a total beginner, the Access Consciousness tools will you with communicating on a deeper level.


What would your animal like you to know?


Animals speak in energy, which also happens to be our first language as people too! What can we learn from animals that we have never considered before?

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