Access Consciousness Body Process classes
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My experience with Body Processes happened even before I learned Access Bars. I happened to buy this book “Talk to Animals” by Gary Douglas. The book was nothing & I repeat NOTHING I expected. It was so different from any of the books I had read before. Gary has generously shared a tonne of tools in this book & also examples of how to use them.
Just to have some fun & test if the tools worked, I used it on a small kitten with a deep fracture & it got completely healed in just a 30 mins session, spread over two days. Wherever I was placing my hands, Magic was happening. And I knew it, in that very instant, that even though Access sounded whacky and weird, it works. No one could stop me post that NOT EVEN ME MYSELF.
I teach these body processes now. Some of them are:
90% Brain Capacity and Function
Activation and Actualization of Total Immunity to The Sickness Of Mankind
Anaphylactic Shock and Quadrate of Laxation
Antalgic Shadows
Antibodies To Consciousness
Bio Mimetic and Bio Mimetric Mimicry of Other People's Pains, Pathways and Realities
Cellular Memory
Compensatory Drift
Correcting Vision
De-molecular Manifestation and Molecular De-manifestation
E&E of Demon Infested Organs and Restoration of Life Inducing Possibilities
E&E of Specific Gravities
E&E of the Allergic Solidification of Reality Responses of Disagreement and Curses
E&E of the Physical Actualization of Catalytic Plastination
E&E of the Source Fields for the Radioactive Inception of Deaths
Elimination and Eradication of the Microbiotic Desertification of Dermis and the Actualization of the Microbiotic Generative Dermis for Body and Earth A4
Elimination and Eradication of all the Orders of Schematics Locked in Your Body
Elimination and Eradication of the Order Points Locked into Your Body and Your Life
Embodiment Of and As Space
Eradication and Dilution of all Emotional Intensities and Restoration of the Joy of Embodiment
Erasure of all Manufactured Feelings of Embodiment
Everything Is the Opposite of What It Appears To Be and Nothing Is the Opposite of What It Appears To Be and The Elimination and Eradication of The Sickness Of Mankind
Exit Stage Left
Invocation of Anger Embodied
Invocation of Blindness
Invocation of Deafness
Invocation of Death
Lymphatic Glandular Incongruities and Inconsistencies
Magnetic Attraction to the Repulsion of All Generative Sexual Energies and Restoration of All Generative Sexual Energies Embodied
Meso-muscular Embodiment and Elimination and Eradication of Human DNA
Positional HEPADS
Reciprocating Dimensionalities
Restoration of Communion with Earth
Restoration of Hyperventilation
Restoration of Immunocytosis
Restoration of Impregnation
Restoration of Infinite Flexibility
Restoration of Structural Integrity and Function
Restoration of the Intensity of Space of Embodiment and The Energizing of Joy of Embodiment
Restoration of Vitality of Nerve Generation
Restructuring of Genetically Modified Macular Creation that Creates Degenerative Blindness
Source Field for E&E of the Chromatics of Time
Source Field for Elimination and Eradication of Toxic Amalgams
Source Field for the E&E of Genetically Impelled Diseases
Square Root of Minus One
Technically and Mechanically-Induced Parallactic Paralyzation
The Actualization of Functional Body Balance
The Bioenergetic Actualization of all the Elements for the Reversal of Aging and Olding and the Creation of Continuous Growth into Indefinite Living
The Erasure of all Fat Cells Dedicated to all Mobius Strips to Lock in Feelings as the Permanent Source for Invalidation of Being
The Invocation of the Stupidity of Sexuality
Trifold Sequencing Systems of Drug Induced Scenarios, Perfectionism, and Insanity
Trifold Sequencing Systems
Zero Sum of Trauma